Sunday, March 27, 2011

The True Beginning of Drug Addiction Rehabilitation

I was a heroin addict for a large part of my life, so I know that I have a lot to share with those looking for the inside edge when it comes to drug addiction rehabilitation. What most people do not realize or want to hear is that drug addiction rehabilitation goes far deeper than simply booking yourself into a rehab center in order to get clean.

Getting yourself clean and drug free is the easy part of drug addiction rehabilitation, it is your ability to remain focused on being clean and not giving in to using again which is what will keep you clean and in effect save you from relapse. Unfortunately people tend to think that if you can get the drugs and withdrawal stage behind you, you are well away, well this could not be further from the truth.

I believe that this is one of the main reasons why so many people get sucked back by relapse into the world of addiction, they beat the withdrawal, get cleaned up, but in essence never address the root cause which caused them to become addicted in the first place.

When they leave the drug addiction rehabilitation center of their choice, they are once again thrown out of the false sense of security which they lived within while in the center and are once again alone to face and confront their own personal issues, problems, demons and the general hectic pressure put on them by our modern day life.

Before you know it you are calling up the dealer again and getting a ‘quick fix’ to help you handle these situations. I, as a recovering junkie know that in order to actually clean up and stay clean, you need to go deep within yourself in order to determine the actual reason as to why you became addicted in the first place, this is a personal and painful journey, but one which need to be taken if your drug addiction rehabilitation is to work and help you stay clean.

Luckily there are ways to do this and they will not cost you an arm and a leg, all it takes on your part is the correct intent, determination and willingness to learn. This is one of the reasons why I started this site and am willing to share with you the methods I used in order to avoid relapse after my drug addiction rehabilitation.

By simply signing up for the Recovering Junkie Free Mini Course and Newsletters, you will get onto our database and receive a 10 week free mini course and regular insights. Within a short time I will share with you everything I used and still use in order to stay free of my addiction, I have been clean for 10 years now, not a bad achievement and you will not believe how easy it really is when you just know how.

So if you truly are battling to find the correct drug addiction rehabilitation and you would like to know what I did in order to get clean and stay clean for more than 10 years now, why not sign up, it is free, it is easy and it could save your life or the life of someone you love!


  1. David Good Morning,

    I am checking out your blog. You are truly an amazing person. Your dedication to this will be a great help to addicts and the people that care about them.

  2. Thank you so much for the positive input, it makes it all worthwhile, why not go and see a lot more at


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