Monday, April 4, 2011

Submit Your Poetry and Stories

I have recently added a section to the Recovering Junkie Website where people can submit their poetry and stories about how there addiction or the addiction of someone they love has affected their lives. The reason for this is actually quite simple, by sharing the emotion, we are sharing the load.

It is also a great way for people to be able to express all of the emotions which they are feeling without having to do it with people they know, you can even send it under anon if you want, it makes no difference, the main thing is to be able to vent those emotions and free yourself of keeping them bottled up inside.

So if this sounds like it could work for you, please visit this link and begin to share, a problem shared is a problem halved!

Once again, thank you for supporting my blog and let us all contribute and share in order to make this life as great as it really should be.

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