Thursday, October 28, 2010

Wow, what a break!

Well once again it has been quite a while since my last post but this is due to the fact that for the first time in years I was able to take my family away on holiday to St. Lucia on the North Coast of South Africa due to the fact that the Wealth Creators Strategies which I have been learning from the FREE "Double Your Income by Working Less" course which I have finished have started making such a difference in my life.

For the first time in ages I felt financially secure enough to actually treat my wife, daughter and mother-in-law to a fantastic and truly well deserved break. Well needless to say a good time was had by all and now we are back, recharged and ready to take on the world once again.

While we were on leave we were able to go to the Cape Vidal Marine reserve and saw so much wildlife there which was amazing, why don't you take a look:

We also took the time to have a look around the local crocodile farm, not that it was necessary as the crocs were plentiful in the St. Lucia Estuary in the wild.

And you will not believe this but on the day of our anniversary my amazing wife Lilo encouraged me to go for a deep sea fishing trip as it might have been one of the only days while we were there that the weather would have been suitable for the charter (THANK YOU BABY, I LOVE YOU MADLY)
Believe me, it was absolutely fabulous and the fishing was really good, oh my gosh did that fresh fish not taste good on the coals that evening.

My daughter Jade also had an amazing time as she and her grandmother spent time collecting shells on the beach and we all just had the quality time together to really just relax and enjoy our surroundings.

Now I honestly must say that for a long time taking a break like this would have been out of the question for me and the bonding and special times which I and my family shared would not have been possible if I had not begun to begin to apply the Wealth Creator Strategies and mindsets to my life.

So much has changed for us as a family since we have made small but significant changes in our lives and begun to implement the Wealth Creator Principles in our life which I am Learning from an incredible and dynamic mentor called Dr. Hannes Dreyer, the founder of the Wealth Creators University.

And believe it or not on the weekend of the 6'th of November I will be attending my first Wealth Creators University workshop at his personal game farm in South Africa called Shumba's Rest. Be sure that I will once again take photo's and keep you up to date as to how it went.

Well, that is all for now and I hope you all see the positive side of adopting a Wealth Creators Mindset so that you to can begin to build memorable times for yourselves and your family.

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