Thursday, November 4, 2010

I Can Hardly Wait!

Well, time is ticking and what I believe will be a life changing experience is drawing closer. This weekend I will be spending my time at Shumba's Rest a game farm in South Africa, but it will not be for a get-away this time but rather a very intensive weekend of workshops with the Wealth Creators University!

You see, Shumba's Rest is a Game Farm owned by someone who I consider to be my most influential mentor, Dr. Hannes Dreyer who is a very dynamic and successful Wealth Creator. After doing his FREE "Double Your Income by Working Less" course I was lucky enough to qualify and book a place for the first ever Wealth Creators University Workshop.

I believe that this is going to be a life changing experience and I will have the privilege of experiencing it first hand. Believe me I will be reporting back to let you all know exactly what it was like and what I feel I will have benefited from the whole experience.

I believe that as with all of the other courses which I have done of Dr. Hannes Dreyer I will come back from this experience a changed person who will have learned far more than I have already from this truly dynamic and successful mentor.

My life was truly at a stand still point until I began to study the works of this incredible man, but the more I have learned from him, the better my life has become and the more I have begun to discover the true potentials which I have and how to use them in effective and productive ways. I am still a long way from where I want to be but by taking constant and never ending steps forward I know I will reach my goals.

Dr. Hannes Dreyer as a Mentor has already taught me so much about:
 The list could go on and on, but I am sure you can see by now the impact which this amazing Mentor has had on my life and I believe will continue to do so for many years to come. I have even had the privilege of walking over coals under this mentors guidance. Have a look:
 We even got to experience what it is like to break an arrow with your neck, take a look:
Now if your mind can allow you to do these things without burning or feeling any pain, it just goes to show you what we are all actually capable of.

Anyway, I will be sure to take more pics at the workshop this weekend and let you all know what the experience was like as soon as possible, until then, keep on striving to become the best that you can be.

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