Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Wealth Creators University Review

Well, the first Wealth Creators University Workshop weekend is over and to be honest I need to tell you that I am not the person who posted the last blog post on this site, I am someone completely different. The reason for me saying this is very simple - I can no longer blame anyone else for my failures or lack of results in my own life as now I have the understanding which will ensure my success so long as I take the right actions and apply what I have learned over the last 3 days.

There are 4 words I would like to use in order to describe the Wealth Creators University and the founder Dr. Hannes Dreyer:
  • Dynamic
  • Driven
  • Deep
  • Decisive
This had to be the most dynamic and decisive workshop which I have ever attended and the amount of information which you are supplied and the energetic way in which it is presented is truly a life changing experience, but at the same time very daunting because should I now not get the result which I am looking for I will have no one to blame but myself because I now have all the steps and formulas I need to succeed.

The workshops were held at Dr. Hannes Dreyers game farm called Shumba's Rest and believe me, a more beautiful and tranquil setting you will not find, let me show you:

This truly is a place of beauty and tranquility, the perfect place to be able to sit down after the days workshop and truly allow what you have learned to sink in in order to be able to internalize it and believe me you need to be able to do this after spending a day in a workshop with such a dynamic mentor such as Dr. Hannes Dreyer.

So what exactly was it that this dynamic mentor had to offer the students who attended the weekend, well it is really very simple, he gave us EVERYTHING! He truly put it all out there:
  • Every mindset
  • Every system
  • Every framework
  • Every formula
  • Every skills level
  • Every ounce of his energy
Which he has used and perfected over the last 27 years in order to become in my eyes the master of Wealth Creation. But it is not only me saying this, why not go and have a look at this YouTube video where another student covers in great detail exactly what was offered by the Wealth Creators University weekend.

So what did I come away from the weekend with? Well the list is endless, I came away with a wealth of understanding and knowledge which will change my life forever, but it is now my responsibility to apply it and use it correctly.

But more importantly a latent giant was awakened within me and now he is doing all he can to break out, a giant who for many years was quite content to simply lay back and watch the time go by, so what woke this giant up and made him so suddenly determined to be free?

Let me tell you a little story which might make it a bit more clear.

On Sunday evening, after the last workshop had ended and we had all been treated to a fantastic dinner and drinks I went back to the beautiful tented camp I was staying in to relax and absorb what I had learned and experienced during the day.

My wife and sister in-law were also there and we were all chatting, but soon they went off to bed as they were very tired and it was then that I was left alone with my thoughts and the energy I had absorbed from this life changing day.

I found myself suddenly overcome with intense emotion and the tears were rolling down my face. The realization that I had been wasting my full potential and simply watching life go by was truly intense and a very emotional moment.

But here is the twist, these were not tears of sadness, shame or pain. THEY WERE TEARS OF JOY! Finally I was free, free of hiding behind 'ignorance', 'blame', 'inaction', 'shifted responsibility', 'self pity' and a myriad of other excuses which I used to justify my not becoming the best I can be.

For too long I had been chasing after the next quick fix or instant gratification and truly applying the mindset of an opportunity seeker, but now I could no longer blame my opportunity seeking mindset on anyone but myself as now I had all of the formulas, recipes and knowledge I need to become a Wealth Creator and it could only be my own fault if I chose not to apply it correctly and become the best that I can be.

As all of these immensely powerful emotions were flowing through me, a loud voice from within me shouted:
This was the giant awakening within me and demanding I follow him and his name is Dave's Passion.
Now when a giant says follow especially when it is your own giant then you do so! From now on the responsibility is on me and I have absolutely no one to blame this time so guess what, I will become that giant and I will become the Wealth Creator which is lying dormant within me and which lays dormant in every single person who is still falling victim to an opportunity seeking mindset.

So what do I have to say in my review of the Wealth Creators University?


1 comment:

  1. Hi Dave. Great Blog. Go for it. I feel very much the same. We are doing it. Watch this space. I know you can do it.


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