Tuesday, November 30, 2010

I Discovered my Passion at Wealth Creators University - Now It is All Systems Go!

As I said in a previous blog, while I was attending the first workshop for the Wealth Creators University, I had an amazing epiphany and that was that I realized what my true passion and meaning was. No need to say, but all of the opportunity seeking ideas which I had simply crumbled to dust and no longer seemed relevant or truly meaningful.

So what did this actually mean and what were the ramifications of this realization?

Well firstly it meant that all of the other Internet Marketing Ideas which I had come up with were now no longer a priority and would have to give way for a business idea which I know truly is my passion. But it does not end there, this means that all of the Niche research which I had done during the Control Center Marketing course suddenly was redundant and any site development which I had done would have to all be put on hold.

Well, this was a big one for me after all of the hours which I had dedicated to finding that perfect niche, but something inside me said "STUFF IT!" and I decided to follow my gut feel. The reason for this is that after being shown the difference between opportunity seeking and Wealth Creation, there simply was no other choice. If you would also like to understand the difference between opportunity seeking and Wealth Creation, why not go and check out the FREE Double Your Income By Working Less course.

Anyway, I discovered that my reason for still being alive is to be able to help people who are themselves or love someone who is affected by drug abuse. Thus began the creation of Recovering Junkie, this is a website dedicated to helping recovering drug addicts, the families of recovering drug addicts, addicts and in fact anyone who wants to know more about beating drug addiction.

Many people who have met me of late have no idea as to the fact that I was plagued by drug addiction for many years of my life. It all started out with a bit of weed and unfortunately ended up with me going flat liner (no heart beat) 3 times due to Heroin overdose or withdrawal.

Well it is now 10 years since I managed to begin to get the addiction monkey off my back and I am actually very proud to say that I comprise part of that elite group (+- 3%) of people who have managed to fully recover from intravenous heroin addiction.

On the Recovering Junkie site I am sharing exactly what it took for me to get and stay clean, I will also be populating the site with a ton of addiction information and have many plans as to how I can help to help people save themselves or their loved ones from the tragedy of drug addiction.

So please if your life is affected in anyway by drug addiction, whether it be you or someone you love, please feel free to go to the site and make use of the FREE information or Mini Course which might just be able to change your life forever and DON'T LEAVE IT FOR TOMORROW AS IN THE DRUG WORLD, TOMORROW MIGHT BE TOO LATE!

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