Monday, December 6, 2010

Well Now it is Out, I Was a Drug Addict for 14 Years!

 I was always ashamed of my past and did everything I could in order to prevent this well kept secret from coming out but the day has come and now everyone knows I was a drug addict for 14 years of my life, in fact you could almost make that 15 years.

So what has changed that I am now willing to openly talk about my addiction, well it is actually quite simple. I have come to terms with this fact and now realize that the reason why I managed to go flat liner (no heart beat due to overdose) 3 times and survive is that I need to share it with the world in order to be able to save more children, adults and in fact anyone I can from falling prey to drug addiction.

It is for this reason that I have now begun in order to be able to make a difference in the lives of others who might be heading down the same road. I have now been clean of my mainly heroin addiction for 10 years now and feel I need to give back to society that which I took from them in my junkie years.

So if drugs are affecting your life or the life of someone you love in any way, please feel free to visit in order to get insights which no one other than a surviving junkie would be able to give you.

Believe me when I tell you that I make up part of the 1% who made it out alive and stayed clean!

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