Thursday, December 16, 2010

On this Day I Vow to Help Willing Souls Recover from Drug Addiction

Today has been a public holiday for us in South Africa as it is the 'Day of the Vow'. I have spent a lot of time thinking about this and have decided to make a vow of my own. I VOW TO HELP WILLING SOULS RECOVER FROM DRUG ADDICTION!

When I sit and look at the way which drug addiction is spiraling out of control, I realize that more and more people will be able to benefit from the insights which I have to share pertaining to overcoming drug addiction. I am sick and tired of seeing us loosing our youth to teenage drug addiction.

I am sick and tired of hearing about families being destroyed by drug addiction, homes made into hell because of drug addiction! I am tired of watching people loose their families to gang wars as a result of addiction. In short, I am fed up with seeing our society being ruined by the effect of drugs and all the shit that goes with it!

When I say that I am making a vow to do all that I can to rid us of this epidemic, then believe me, I am willing to put it all on the line! At some stage we need to take a stand so far as how we allow this problem to affect our society.

Drug addiction and usage leads to many different very negative impacts which affect us all, including:

  • Child abuse
  • Theft
  • Hijackings
  • Murder
  • Gang Wars
  • Spouse Abuse
  • Rape
  • Vehicle Accidents
  • Suicide
  • Emotional Blackmail
  • Kidnapping
  • Sex Offences
  • Violence
These are but a few of the many negative impacts which drug use and abuse have on modern day society, so if you too are sick and tired of simply accepting these as part of modern day every day life, then go to and sign up for the FREE 10 Week Mini Course where I will share many insights into this world and my opinions on how we can begin to be free of this epidemic and how we can begin to overcome it!

It is almost the end of the year, make the resolution to help begin to make the world drug free for future generations!

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