Monday, July 12, 2010

Anxiety Affects us All!

Most of my life I never gave anxiety and panic much thought as I always saw myself as a very up beat and confident person. I never showed any of the typical symptoms of anxiety disorders and felt that it really had no influence over me.

It was not until one night in my kitchen that I began to get the most intense pain in my chest which made me feel as if I was about to have a heart attack and experienced all sorts of panic emotions that it was brought to my attention how common this phenomenon is.

My wife rushed me to the emergency ward at the local hospital where I was immediately linked to various heart monitoring machines and blood was drawn for testing.

After about an hour of lying there not sure of what is happening and feeling very scared and in a lot of pain, the doctor who was assessing me came back and gave me the results.

He said to me that I had just had a very serious panic attack and that I should not be ashamed or concerned as nearly 90% of the potential heart attack cases in men that the emergency room gets turn out to in actual fact be panic or anxiety attacks.

This in a sense concerned me deeply, I was not aware that my stress levels had risen so much that they where able to trigger a reaction in me mentally which caused these physical and mental symptoms to present themselves.

I then started looking around for material on the subject of anxiety and panic attacks so as to learn more about what it is that was happening to me. I subscribed to a few forums and started to look around for any form of material which could help me to reduce this factor in my life.

Lo and behold there were literally thousands of sites which covered the topic of overcoming anxiety and panic attacks and so my quest began to find ways to overcome this disorder in a natural and healthy way.

Due to the fact that I had earlier in life discovered that I had an addictive personality I was not willing to consider the use of scheduled medication to overcome this disorder. To my horror, many of the sites all advocated the use of this type of medication, but I was not willing to put myself at risk of adverse side effects or possible dependency problems.

It was then that I came across a site which looked like it was offering the correct type of natural therapy treatments information which I was looking for.

This site was , it was full of all number of useful articles on overcoming anxiety and panic disorders and even had a free mini course which you could subscribe to.

In my next blog I will begin documenting in more detail the journey which this anxiety or panic attack started me on and how with a couple of life and mindset changes I was able to rescue my life from emotional ruin and begin down the road to recovery and true happiness.

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