Thursday, July 15, 2010

Further into the Mindset Journey

So as I said yesterday, I realized that I would need to change my mindsets before any changes I made in my life would have any significant impact or permanent effects on my quality of life or the stress levels which were resulting in my panic attacks.

I was still getting frequent chest cramps and difficulty breathing due to my anxiety or panic attacks and this was still very worrying to me as I was also beginning to develop a lot of other mental and physical panic attack symptoms which were beginning to impact on my life in a variety of ways:

  • I was becoming more and more anxious on a continuous basis which caused my stress to increase and my irritability levels were going through the roof
  • I was becoming more and more hesitant to do anything which I felt would bring on an attack.
  • The smaller things in life started to become enormous issues.
  • Believe me, this list can go on and on!

The more I became aware of these changes happening in my life and the stress and tension it was putting on both myself and my family, the more my desire and need to be able to overcome it became paramount to me.

All of a sudden things which I thought I had done away with years ago mentally began coming back to haunt me all over again and add more weight to the burden which this anxiety and panic was burdening me with.

It was then that someone very close to me noticed that I was heading on a downward spiral and made a suggestion that I should perhaps begin to try and reduce the effects of this anxiety by using a yoga technique called the Bagha.

He gave me an audio copy of the Bagha exercise to use and listen to, this was a shot (aprox. 15 min) guided instructional meditation which uses various sound frequencies to alter your mind state from a normal conscious one to one where the subconscious mind is far more open to suggestion.

Then while in this mind state ( similar to that achieved by Monks in deep meditation ) you are told how to create an anchor point to bring you back to this relaxed state anytime after your have finished the exercise - I chose pressing my tongue against the roof of my mouth as it was something I would be able to do no matter where I was or what I was doing without anybody being able to see what I was doing.

Once I had finished the exercise for the first time, I waited for a couple of hours and then forced myself into an anxious situation, when I tried using my anchor point, lo and behold I could immediately feel myself relaxing and becoming calm once again.

This was amazing as it helped me beyond belief and the more I did the Bagha Exercise, the more effective it became. It has now very much become part of my daily life and has made the world of difference to me. Who ever thought that such a powerful mental tool could be so easy to use.

This truly was the beginning down my path to a journey of never ending self discovery and improvement. I hope to see you all again tomorrow as I take you even further down my never ending path of self discovery.

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