Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Sorry I am a Day Late

Well I am a day late with my next post, but really things have got really hectic of late, almost to the point of another possible panic attack. Luckily I now have the techniques and methods for controlling that possibility under the belt and am able to take the pressure in my stride.

In any case as I was saying in my previous post, the onset of my sudden, unexpected and very frightening panic attack shocked me into realizing that my stress levels were extremely high and affecting me mentally and definitely very physically without me even realizing that it was happening.

I had a new born baby in the house and a very loving wife and I felt it was my duty to them and myself to get this situation under control as quickly as possible.

I started weighing up my options and decided that I needed to stop chasing after money for the purpose of survival in a field which I had no interest in and turn my focus to something which could bring in the money and which I would be able to love and enjoy at the same time.

Thus began quite a bit of soul searching and self realization. I had always had a passion for writing and decided to look for ways that I would be able to use this passion and make money at the same time.

It would be a large leap of faith, but luckily I had a very supportive family standing behind my decisions and encouraging me all the way. So I started looking around on the Internet and found some very interesting opportunities and philosophies (like the Kaizen Principle).

It was only now that I began to realize that I would need to get my mindsets right before I could even think of beginning to make any definite and meaningful changes in my life, luckily I would only need to do this one small step at a time to see major results.

But more on this tomorrow, until then be safe and do your best to be the best you can. Fear nothing but fear itself!

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