Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Getting going with a New Future

So I now had managed to begin to get over my panic and anxiety attacks with the help of the free overcoming anxiety and panic mini course and the insight which I had gathered from the self help anxiety book which comes bundled with the most amazing guided relaxation and anchoring mental exercise.

I had also begun to put my life in perspective by applying the Kaizen Principle and the insights which it had given me to my own life. I now felt I was ready to start looking for ways to let my writing ability start to make money for me online.

I had a look around and found a couple of sites where I was able to start making money by making writing copy write articles for other people online, it was small but it was a start. As the money began to come in I realized that there must be a need for these types of articles, otherwise why would these people be willing to pay me to write articles about anything from Christmas to the Jerusalem Stone.

I decided to take a bit of a deeper look into why they would be willing to do this. Soon I found out that the articles which I was writing formed part of other peoples Internet Marketing strategies. It made up the content for their sites which helped them to gain recognition from search engines like Google.

This made me begin to think of ways in which I could begin to use this method to write and make money for myself online. After looking at a bunch of "Get Rich Quick" schemes and sites on the net, I realized that I was wasting a lot money on rubbish applications which would never help me to achieve my goal.

I had tried everything from pyramid marketing schemes, forex trading robots and even affiliate marketing techniques which did not work for me. It was then that I realized that I was making other people rich by remaining ignorant. This was what the experts and gurus where capitalizing on and in the process they where costing me a lot of money which I did not actually have at the time.

Then the most amazing thing happened and I stumbled onto a web site which offered to teach me how to build my own website without needing any prior experience or programming skills and they were willing to do this absolutely for FREE!

I could not believe it, something on the net of value for FREE! So I immediately signed up for the Build A Web course and suddenly I began to see the light at the end of the tunnel and this time it was not a train!

Well, I think that is enough for tonight, so I will post again tomorrow. Please do me a favor and post a comment if you are reading this as it will help me to want to continue putting in the time to publish this blog.

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